Tuesday, 12 May 2015


Last week, i got interview for USM in Kubang Kerian for course speech pathology or a.k.a patologi pertuturan..
Im came with my family including my father and mother,my brother and my cousin.
I came one day before the interview.
Seriously, for me whose the first time coming to Kelantan, we hardly to find our homestay..with the help of people, finally i arrive at the homestay..
I got nervous all the way from Perak to Kelantan..
I keep reading and remembering and reading again and remembering again until i dont know what should i read and remember..
The next day, we got out from our homestay early since it said that my interview is started at 8.15am.. we  having breakfast near to the USM..actually i dont have appetite to eat because i keep nervous about the interview..
Then, we move to the place that im gonna interview.. it only 8.00am but there are already a lot of car..
Then, i registered myself..then we all wait to be call to go to our interview place..we having interview with audiology..
After that.they called our name..and they take us enter the building..i dont know where are we..but i just follow them..
Then, they told us to sit in the if i not wrong a tutorial class..and they will check if we bring the document that they need..actually there no need to bring all your sijil because they will not going to check it(during my interview)..
then, we have to wait again..actually i dont know that it will be interview in group..i in the last group for morning session on that day..in my group there will be 5 person..
Really nervous..luckily there is seniors from year 2 who will guiding us..we ask so many question to them..
everytime i heard  door opening..i think my heart are going to pop out..the seniors told us to keep calm and relaks..
Ok..now the time..the group before us is going out from that room..now its our time..im the first one to be entered in the room..with smile on my face, i give them 'salam'..
there will be 3 interviewer..1 from speech pathology(SP) and 2 if i not wrong from audiology(A)..
Then, one of the A person told us to introduce ourselves for 1 minute..the i pon told my name age,studies before,my family and blah blah blah..
Then, the SP person ask us where did we hear about speech pathology..i pon karang la ayat yang kow2 punye..
Then, he ask again to give 3 our kelebihan..actually yang ni semua lebih kurang serupa je cakap,,
Then, he ask again..in my heart(why is he has so many question to ask)..he ask 3 of our weakness..ni pun lebih kurang sama je..
THEN, he ask AGAIN...when is he going to stop..give another course that we applied in UPU...i was like WHAT!!!!...how supposed im going to remember that..the last time i update my UPU was on early February..so how im going to remember that..but still with the smile on my lips i answered the question..
Then, they give us situation..and they want to know our reaction based on the situation given..since i already told them that i love children, he give situation about orang tua..the question is something like this..in malay..Kamu menjadi skarelawan untuk rumah orang-orang tua. Dalam satu bilik, terdapat seorang mak cik yang hanya boleh bercakap "aaaarr" je dan menunjuk ke arah satu tempat..hanya kamu seorang sahaja yang berada dalam bilik itu..apakah tindakan kamu?
PERGH...Seriously..ak banyak cakap je..x tau betul ke x tindakan ak tu..the two other who also interview with me got situation on kids..why they got easy question..and im not..ok forget about it..that the end of our interview.
Then, the seniors bring us to go to hearing screening and speech screening.. actually diorang jalankan ujian ke atas kita...im the first one done for the test now.. its time to go home home..this is the most funniest moment for me..i dont remember the pathway to get to the tempat pendaftaran..actually i ask the senior the way..and she kindly show me the way...
Now..we have to wait for the result..


  1. hii, can I know your pointer for stpm? Im interested to know how this course for you :) please do tell me further abt this course

    1. oh..im not from stpm. Im from matrikulasi. Basically this course is to train someone that lack in their speech. Example like stuttering.

    2. Hi can I know if USM still offers this course??

    3. Unfortunately, USM did not open new intake for this course. But UKM and UIA still offer this course.

  2. salam, i would like to know whether the interview was held in malay or english?

  3. Salam. Can I know,, it is quite competitive for this course??

  4. Salam. What is the qualification to enter the course ? Die terima tak kalau student asasi ?

  5. Salam can i know your pointer for both semester?

  6. hello, approximately how long does it take for the whole session because I will be sitting for my interview next week and I will be interviewing for both Audiology and Speech programme...
